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Dutch Parenting: Eight Ways to Raising Happy and Resilient Kids

Hey there! Ever heard about Dutch kids being ranked first in child wellbeing and happiness worldwide by UNICEF? It's pretty fascinating stuff. As an expat mom living in the Netherlands for over a decade, I've picked up on some cool things Dutch parents do differently when it comes to raising their kids.

Wanna know more about the Dutch Parenting style? Here are eight things I've noticed that create a super healthy environment for raising happy and resilient kiddos, which I've totally adopted into my own parenting style:

dutch family

1. Letting Them Fly Solo

Dutch parenting fosters independence by encouraging their children to make decisions and explore the world around them. From choosing their own clothes to navigating the neighborhood on their bikes, kids are given the opportunity to learn from their experiences and develop self-confidence. This hands-off approach allows children to develop problem-solving skills and a sense of autonomy from a young age, which are invaluable traits as they grow older and face new challenges.

2. No Topic Off-Limits

Dutch families are like open books. They talk about everything. Yes, everything. Communication is open and honest in Dutch families, with parents addressing a wide range of topics with their children. By discussing everything from sexuality to emotions and societal issues, parents create an environment where children feel comfortable asking questions and expressing themselves. This transparency builds trust and strengthens the parent-child relationship, laying the foundation for healthy communication in the future.

3. Clear structure

Structure is a cornerstone of Dutch family life. From a young age, children are provided with clear routines, offering them a sense of security and predictability. This structured approach reduces anxiety by making their environment more comprehensible and helps instill habits of responsibility and self-discipline.

Personally, I'm a staunch advocate of this concept. Implementing routines for my children since birth has significantly eased my parenting journey. While parenting remains challenging and requires flexibility, having a routine provides a reliable framework for the day. Check out my blog post on how to create routines and grab my guide on effortlessly crafting morning and bedtime routines, there's even a how-to video I created with my son hidden inside, check it out!

4. Less Stress and More play

Despite having a daily structure for their kids, Dutch parents value unstructured playtime, understanding its significance in their children's growth. Instead of overwhelming schedules with extracurricular activities, they prioritize ample free play, indoors and out. This encourages creativity, imagination, and social skills, as kids learn to navigate, problem-solve, and cooperate with peers in a laid-back atmosphere. Admittedly, it took me a while to adjust, but I've noticed my kids are more relaxed with plenty of time to release their pent-up energy. The result? Happier, more easygoing kids with fewer bouts of crankiness.

kids playing

5. The Great Outdoors is Their Playground

The Dutch are big on getting their kids outside, rain or shine. It's all about soaking up that vitamin D, scraping a knee or two, and learning that a little mud never hurt anybody. Dutch children often spend a significant amount of time outdoors, being in nature is an integral part of their upbringing. This connection to the outdoors promotes physical activity, curiosity, and a sense of wonder, instilling in children a deep appreciation for the environment and a desire to explore their surroundings.

6. Simplicity is Key

In a world of more, more, more, Dutch parents are playing the minimalist game. Less stuff, more memories. It's about teaching kids that the best things in life aren't things. By prioritizing quality time together over material wealth, parents teach their children to find joy in the simple things in life. Whether it's cooking a meal together, going for a nature walk, or playing board games as a family, these shared experiences create lasting memories and strengthen familial bonds.

7. Guide, Don't Dictate

Dutch parenting is like being a guide on the side rather than a dictator, providing support while allowing their children to make their own choices and learn from their mistakes. Discipline comes with a hug and a lesson, not just a time-out. Rather than enforcing strict rules, they encourage independence and critical thinking skills. By empowering their children to take ownership of their actions and decisions, parents help them develop resilience, adaptability, and a sense of responsibility.

8. Family Time for the Win

In the Netherlands, work-life balance isn't just a buzzword; it's a way of life. Dutch families truly prioritize spending quality time together. One interesting aspect is that a significant portion of the Dutch workforce opts for part-time work. This means both mom and dad often have a day off during the week to enjoy with their kids. It's a practice that creates ample space for regular family outings and activities, which are treasured opportunities for bonding and connection.

By embracing this approach, Dutch parents cultivate a strong sense of belonging and togetherness within the family unit. Children grow up feeling loved, valued, and secure in the knowledge that they have dedicated time with their parents. This supportive and nurturing environment lays the groundwork for healthy relationships and emotional well-being as they navigate through life's ups and downs. So, whether it's a leisurely bike ride or a cozy movie night, these moments of togetherness are what truly make a house a home in Dutch culture.

So, that's a closer look at the Dutch approach to parenting. It's not just about raising happy and resilient children; it's about cultivating a culture of trust, communication, and connection within the family. Whether you're Dutch or not, there's much to be learned from these principles and incorporated into your own parenting journey. Cheers to embracing the adventure of parenthood, Dutch style!

But remember hun, no one is perfect, everyone is doing their best -

Give Yourself Grace Mama🌟

About Me

Hello, I'm Raissa Davis, a proud mom of two wonderful little boys. I started the "Give Yourself Grace Mama" community with the aim of bringing together mothers who, like me, are navigating the highs and lows of motherhood and parenting.

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