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Evening Routines That Help Busy Moms Wind Down After Work and Parenting

Balancing work and parenting can feel like juggling a million things at once, often leaving little room for the self-care we so desperately need. If you’ve been following my blog, you already know how much I swear by routines for kids—but let me tell you, they’re just as important for us moms too. An evening routine can be a total game-changer, helping you shift from the hustle and bustle of the day to a peaceful night’s rest.

You know that feeling when the kids are finally asleep, and you have those precious few moments of quiet? That’s usually when my mind kicks into overdrive, reminding me of all the things I didn’t get done. It’s like my brain suddenly decides to create a checklist of everything I should have tackled today but couldn’t squeeze in. Sound familiar? Over the years, I’ve developed a routine that helps me let go of the day’s stresses and unwind. It might not look exactly like yours, and that’s okay—we all have our own rhythms. But I hope sharing mine inspires you to carve out at least an hour for yourself before the next day’s chaos begins at sunrise. You deserve that time to recharge.

So, let’s dive into five easy steps that can help you create a calming evening routine, allowing you to wind down and restore your energy.

Step 1: Tackle One Quick Task

The kids are finally asleep, but I can't relax because my brain starts buzzing with the endless to-do list. Instead of letting those unfinished tasks overwhelm me, I’ve found a little trick that really helps: I pick one small, quick thing I can tackle right then and there. It might be a 20-minute workout, a quick load of dishes, or folding that basket of laundry I’ve been ignoring all day.

The key is choosing just one thing that I can knock out in 30 minutes or less. Not only does this help quiet my mind, but it also gives me a sense of accomplishment as I cross something off tomorrow’s list before it even starts. It’s my way of ending the day on a high note—feeling productive and satisfied, rather than stressed about what’s still left to do. Why not give yourself that little win before you call it a night?


Step 2: Prepare for the Next Day

Once you've tackled that quick task, take a few extra minutes to get a jump on tomorrow. It’s amazing how much lighter your mornings can feel when you’ve done a little prep the night before. Lay out your clothes, pack the kids’ lunches, or jot down that to-do list that’s been swirling around in your head. Trust me, those small steps can make a world of difference.

Instead of waking up feeling frazzled and rushed, you’ll start the day with a sense of calm and control. Imagine opening your eyes in the morning knowing that you’ve already taken care of some of the day’s challenges. It’s like giving yourself the gift of a head start, setting the tone for a smoother, more manageable morning. Plus, it’s one less thing to worry about when you’re trying to get everyone out the door!

To Do List

Step 3: Set the Mood with a Calming Environment and Practice Mindful Breathing or Meditation

Creating a calming environment is key to winding down after a hectic day. I like to start by dimming the lights, lighting a scented candle, or putting on some soft music—simple things that signal to my body that it’s time to relax. And let’s be real, a cluttered space can be a real mood-killer. If your bedroom is full of stuff, it’s so easy to get distracted by thoughts of cleaning or let your mind spiral into more stress. My trick? Move the clutter out of sight if you have to. Make your sleeping space a sanctuary of peace—you absolutely deserve that.

After a long day, calming your mind is just as important as relaxing your body. I’m not talking about anything complicated—just five to ten minutes of mindful breathing or meditation can make a huge difference. You can simply focus on your breath, taking deep inhales and slow exhales, or use one of the many guided meditation apps that are perfect for busy schedules. I know, I might sound like one of those “woo woo” moms, but trust me, this really works. Sometimes, just sitting in the quiet, letting yourself breathe, and giving your mind permission to pause is all it takes to shift into relaxation mode. Give it a try—you might be surprised at how much it helps you unwind.


Step 4: Indulge in a Relaxing Activity

Find something that truly helps you unwind and brings a little joy to your evening. Whether it’s diving into a good book, soaking in a warm bath, or doing some gentle stretching, choose an activity that lets you disconnect from the stresses of the day. For me, I love squeezing in a quick chapter of whatever book I’m currently into, or curling up with my husband to watch one of our favorite shows. Sometimes, we just sit and catch up on the day—those moments really help us stay connected, even when life with the kids and work gets hectic. Nothing melts away my stress like a good cuddle with him. But that’s just what works for me.

The key is to find what works for you. Whether it’s a quiet moment to yourself or a comforting routine with your partner, make sure it’s something that relaxes your mind and body. Do what makes you happy, hun.


Step 5: Reflect on the Day with Gratitude

End your evening routine on a positive note by taking a moment to reflect on your day and identify the things you’re grateful for. I know it’s so easy to get caught up in what didn’t go right—maybe you didn’t finish everything on your to-do list, or you’re feeling that all-too-familiar mom guilt because you opted for takeout instead of a home-cooked meal. We’ve all been there, and those thoughts can easily weigh you down. But here’s the thing: when you consciously shift your focus to what did go well, it can make all the difference.

Try this simple practice—either write it down in a journal or just mentally list three things you’re grateful for or that made you smile today. Maybe it’s a small victory at work, a sweet moment with your kids, or even just getting through the day in one piece. This small act of gratitude can shift your mindset from dwelling on challenges to appreciating the positives, no matter how small they might seem. Over time, this habit becomes easier and more natural, and you’ll start noticing more of the good things as they happen.

As moms, we tend to be our own worst critics, always thinking about what we could have done better. But taking a moment to acknowledge the things we’re doing right—to pat ourselves on the back with a bit of gratitude—can help reset our minds. It’s a gentle reminder that, even on the tough days, we’re rocking motherhood and life. So, before you drift off to sleep, give yourself credit for the amazing job you’re doing.

peaceful sleep

Creating a calming evening routine doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. By incorporating these five simple steps, you can effectively wind down after a busy day, ensuring that you’re recharged and ready to tackle the next. Remember, self-care is not a luxury—it’s a necessity. So, take the time to nurture yourself, because a well-rested mom is a happier, healthier mom.


About Me

Hello, I'm Raissa Davis, a proud mom of two wonderful little boys. I started the "Give Yourself Grace Mama" community with the aim of bringing together mothers who, like me, are navigating the highs and lows of motherhood and parenting.

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