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From Silence to Triumph: Unveiling My Son's Extraordinary Autism Story

Updated: Oct 13, 2023

Hey hun,

I'm just like you, navigating the thrilling journey of motherhood, with an extraordinary twist. You see, I'm raising a wonderful young boy named Christian, who happens to be on the Autism Spectrum.

Christian's autism story is a tale of patience, boundless love, and embracing our individuality, and I'm here to share it with you. Perhaps, as you follow our journey, you'll discover a reflection of your own experiences.

Christian's arrival into the world was marked by a one-month premature entry and some weight-related challenges due to complications during my pregnancy. But he quickly bounced back, with bright eyes and an infectious baby smile.

Fast forward a year, and he was walking, exploring with his beloved building blocks, and mastering the art of peek-a-boo. Physically, he was on track, but when it came to communication, he remained silent. My husband and I brushed it off initially, thinking his premature birth might have slowed his speech development. Kids, after all, have their unique timelines, right?

Another year passed, and Christian still hadn't spoken a word or even attempted to communicate, verbally or non-verbally. He'd only point when he needed something, and even that wasn't consistent. Two-step instructions seemed challenging for him, and he had this quirky habit of tip-toeing. Daycare staff noticed he struggled with eye contact and preferred playing 'around' rather than 'with' other kids.

At this point, I started suspecting autism. My husband shared my concerns. We consulted our GP, who attributed his speech delay to limited interaction with peers during the early days of the COVID pandemic. I wasn't entirely convinced, so I dove into research on Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and began finding ways to support his social skills and speech delay.

Taking matters into my own hands, I enrolled Christian in speech therapy at age 3, hoping to give him a head start for school. It turned out to be one of the best decisions we made. Within months, he said his first "Mama" and began naming things. He'd repeat what others said, or echo questions, rather than answer them. His fascination with certain episodes of a kids' show led us to discover echolalia, where he'd recite lines from memory.

By the way hun, if you live in the Haarlemmermeer area and you're on the hunt for a top-notch speech therapist, I've got some excellent recommendations for you. When it comes to your child's speech development, finding the right professional can make all the difference.

First up, let me introduce you to Stephanie in Haarlem. She's an exceptional English Speech Therapist who uses a play-based therapy approach to assist your son or daughter in honing their speech skills. I can personally vouch for her, as she was a tremendous help to me and my son. Not only does she work wonders during sessions, but she also provides valuable tips and strategies that you can practice at home. Stephanie truly understands the nuances of English speech development, and she's dedicated to helping your child succeed.

Now, if you're looking for a Dutch Speech therapist, allow me to recommend Jacolein. She's a brilliant professional who, like Stephanie, employs a play-based approach to teach speech and improve Dutch pronunciation. Christian benefits greatly from her expertise, and I have no doubt that she can do the same for your child. Jacolein's passion for helping kids speak confidently and clearly in Dutch is truly commendable.

Both of these remarkable ladies played a vital role in Christian's speech development journey. They not only have the knowledge and skills needed but also possess a warm and caring approach that fosters a comfortable learning environment for kids. So, if you're seeking speech therapy for your child, I strongly believe that Stephanie and Jacolein are the professionals who can make a positive impact on your child's speech development too. Don't hesitate to reach out to them; your child's progress is worth it!

While we made progress in Christian's speech development, engaging him in conversations or hearing about his day remained a challenge. Nonetheless, seeing him utter words felt like a massive victory. He became hyper-focused on letters and numbers, spelling colors, and even displaying signs of hyperlexia, impressing his speech therapist.

By age 4, Christian started forming three-word sentences, and his knowledge extended to the entire alphabet, counting up to 30, writing his name and ours, and reading three to four-letter words. Despite these achievements, socializing with peers remained difficult. He'd often prefer playing with us over kids his age, seeking refuge under tables or even in the bathroom when the noise got too overwhelming.

After a few months of this, and with teachers noting his behavior, we finally decided to have him diagnosed for ASD. The psychologist's call confirmed what I had sensed since he was 1 or 2 – Christian was indeed autistic. The diagnosis finally gave his behavior a name, and it was a pivotal moment for us.

I never feared the diagnosis. Instead, I welcomed it because now, we had a roadmap.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a lifelong journey, and I'm here every step of the way as Christian's advocate. His father and I will equip him with the tools and knowledge he needs to face the world's challenges head-on.

Christian sees the world differently; he disrupts conventional communication methods. His uniqueness is what makes him special. I know life will present its share of challenges, but I'll never let him be ashamed of who he is. I want him to understand that I'll forever be his champion, preparing him to confront the world with confidence.

Every autistic child expresses their condition uniquely; that's why it's a spectrum.

My son's autism is different from yours, but as mothers, let's cherish the beauty in our children despite their challenges. Let's recognize the amazing individuals we're raising.

Sure, it might be a bit more challenging for us as parents, but we are precisely the parents our children need on this journey. So, chin up, Mama! Show up for your child, advocate for them, educate others about ASD, and be the haven they need.

Equip them with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to face the world. Because that's what motherhood is all about.

Please share your unique autism journey with us in our inclusive and supportive Autism Forum. Your story is valuable and important too, and I would love to listen, learn, and connect with you on a personal level. Your insights and experiences can help foster understanding and empathy, creating a welcoming space for all. Together, we can celebrate the beautiful diversity of the autism community and create a sense of belonging for everyone. So, please, join me in sharing your autism story and be a part of our thriving, compassionate community.


About Me

Hello, I'm Raissa Davis, a proud mom of two wonderful little boys. I started the "Give Yourself Grace Mama" community with the aim of bringing together mothers who, like me, are navigating the highs and lows of motherhood and parenting.

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