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Give yourself grace mama

Updated: Oct 20, 2023

Imagine this: Your home is a joyful chaos, a testament to the boundless energy and creativity of your little ones. Toys are strewn about, dishes tower in the sink, and the laundry seems to have reached the heavens. You stand there, still in your pajamas, contemplating where to begin. Your to-do list is an epic saga waiting to be written, and the day's plans have become a distant dream. You're weary, drained, and your spirit feels like it's stuck in neutral.

But, my dear mama, grant yourself the gift of grace.

What does this gift mean, you ask? It's an act of self-compassion, a powerful release from the grip of perfection. It's silencing that inner critic, bidding farewell to the illusion of the flawless mother, the immaculate home, and the angelic children.

In truth, perfection is an unattainable mirage; life is gloriously messy. Kids are beautifully chaotic, and sometimes, embracing the chaos is the only way forward.

Let's be clear, giving yourself grace isn't synonymous with idleness; it's a rallying cry. It's a conscious choice to be kind to yourself, mama, to cradle your spirit in love and gentleness. It's that deep breath, the oasis of serenity amidst the tempest of parenthood.

Every mother knows that calming one's mind and chasing after these little whirlwinds isn't for the faint of heart. But granting yourself grace allows you to be your own ally in the journey.

So, the dishes remain unwashed today—so be it.

The laundry stands untouched—no matter.

The to-do list goes unchecked—big deal.

Did your children feel loved? Did they enjoy your presence? Did they revel in your laughter?

That's a victory, mama! That's you excelling at motherhood!


Forgive yourself for not attaining perfection.

Forgive yourself for choosing take-out over a gourmet meal.

Forgive yourself for that work call amid a playdate.

Forgive yourself for letting your child roam in a diaper with a runny nose while you sought solace in social media.

Forgive yourself for an unclean house.

Instead, credit yourself for the good you've done today, even if it's just one thing.

Silence the harsh judgment that insists you should have done more, that you've let your kids down. Because, my dear mama, you're doing your absolute best!

It's alright—I see you. I sense your doubts and anxieties, but understand this, mama: you're never alone. Extending grace to yourself isn't just a boon for your soul; it's a precious gift to your children. When mama is content, living her best life, the little ones thrive too!

Release the image of the mother you think you should be and make room to adore the extraordinary mother that you are. Embrace your imperfections, for in them lies your unique brilliance.

You are a beacon of love, resilience, and unwavering dedication.

You are enough, and you are truly exceptional, dear mama!


About Me

Hello, I'm Raissa Davis, a proud mom of two wonderful little boys. I started the "Give Yourself Grace Mama" community with the aim of bringing together mothers who, like me, are navigating the highs and lows of motherhood and parenting.

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