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Keep Calm and Parent On: Managing Your Parenting Triggers

Parenting is one of the most rewarding roles you can have, yet it's also filled with its fair share of challenges that can trigger stress, frustration, or even anger.

We all face moments when the chaos of daily life can feel overwhelming. Whether it's the morning rush to get out the door on time or the struggle to manage tantrums at the end of a long day, it's natural to feel triggered sometimes. However, learning how to manage these triggers effectively can make a huge difference in your relationship with your child and in creating a positive home environment.

Here are ten strategies that I use daily that can help you handle these moments with grace and effectiveness. Each one offers practical steps and examples to incorporate into your daily routine, turning potential conflicts into opportunities for growth and connection.

Let's face it we all fall short as parents, I know I do from time to time, especially when life keeps piling on. But, this approach isn't about achieving perfection but finding practical ways to respond with patience and empathy, even under pressure.

From practicing mindfulness to setting clear boundaries that reflect your values, these strategies are designed to support you in becoming the calm, centered parent you aspire to be.

They emphasize the importance of self-care and continuous learning, acknowledging that parenting is a journey of growth—not just for your child, but for you as well. So, let's explore these tools together, which can help you manage your triggers and foster a more harmonious and loving home life.

managing parenting triggers

Why is Recognizing Your Triggers Important?

Understanding your triggers is a vital component of effective parenting. Recognizing what sets you off is the first step towards gaining control over your reactions. When you know your triggers, you can pause in the heat of the moment and choose a thoughtful response instead of reacting on impulse. This intentional approach doesn't just help you manage your own stress; it also serves as a powerful teaching moment for your child.

By demonstrating how to handle emotions calmly and constructively, you're teaching your child essential emotional regulation skills. This learning by example is one of the most effective ways children absorb behaviors and norms. So, as you learn to navigate your triggers and responses, you're not only improving your own well-being but also guiding your child on how to face their own emotions. This dual benefit enriches your parenting journey and fosters a more emotionally intelligent next generation.

How to Deal with Parenting Triggers

Here are 10 strategies that can help you manage your parenting triggers:

  1. Practice mindfulness or deep breathing when you feel triggered. I totally get it—trying to stay calm when everything’s going haywire, especially with kids, can feel nearly impossible. I remember reading about mindfulness and deep breathing and thinking, "Surely, this person doesn’t have kids!" But, trust me, it works! There was this one morning, we were running late, and my oldest just couldn’t seem to get his shoes on. I was on the brink of losing it. Normally, I'd start raising my voice, but that only made him slower and more upset. This time, I paused. I closed my eyes, took five deep breaths, and counted to ten. Just that small break helped me cool down and rethink the situation. Instead of turning it into a shouting match, I turned it into a game: “Let’s see who can get ready faster!” You wouldn’t believe it—he was ready in under a minute! I really encourage you to try this. When you feel that tension building, just close your eyes and take five deep breaths. Focus on the air moving in and out. It can stop that instant reaction, giving you a moment to think creatively. Who knows? Maybe you’ll come up with a fun game, too.

  2. Use positive affirmations to calm your mind. Positive affirmations are another great tool. Keep a few handy like, "I am a patient parent," or "I choose kindness." Repeat them during tough moments and when you are taking deep breaths. It shifts your mindset from frustration to control. Submit to my weekly newsletter where I share Positive affirmations that can help you through tough times.

  3. Give yourself a time-out to think before reacting. When you feel overwhelmed during a disagreement or a tantrum, sometimes, you just need a minute to yourself. When things get too much, it’s okay to step away and say, "I need a moment." Put your child somewhere safe, like their playpen or room, and take that time to breathe, maybe even let out a scream into a pillow. This not only helps you calm down enough to think of a more constructive way to respond to the situation but also models for your child how to handle stress—something they’ll benefit from as they grow.

  4. Set clear boundaries that align with your values. Setting boundaries based on your family values, like “We speak to each other calmly,” can also minimize stressful situations. Discussing these rules with your kids helps them understand what’s expected and the consequences, which can make your day-to-day smoother. If you need some help, setting boundaries as a busy mom, I got you girl! Here is a 10 step guide to setting boundaries as a busy mom.

  5. Consider therapy if your triggers are related to deeper emotional issues. If you often find yourself responding emotionally in ways that feel a bit too intense, it might be helpful to explore therapy. A therapist specializing in family counseling can offer insights into emotional triggers stemming your own childhood or past.

communicate with your child

6. Communicate empathetically with your child to understand their perspective. When conflicts arise, it’s so important to understand your child’s emotions. Ask them, “Can you tell me why you’re upset?” This can be more challenging if your child isn’t very verbal, like my oldest was for a long time. I had to find different ways to communicate and understand what he was feeling, which really helped me see the world through his eyes.

We often forget that children think very differently from us. They aren’t usually trying to be difficult; they're simply expressing their needs in the only way they know how. They might not even fully grasp the implications of their actions. By meeting them at their level and communicating in ways they understand, we not only foster a better understanding but also strengthen our bond by validating their feelings.

Remember, at the heart of it all, what everyone really wants—especially children—is love, attention, and understanding. Recognizing this can change the way you respond to them, allowing you to approach each situation with love and empathy. This understanding can transform your interactions, making them more about connection than conflict.

7. Create a routine that reduces chaos at home. Establishing a consistent daily schedule for meals, homework, and bedtime can be a game changer for reducing confusion and stress in your family's daily life. Clear expectations for the day mean fewer surprises and less potential for conflict. I can't stress enough how amazing routines have been for my family—believe it or not, they've almost completely eliminated tantrums!

I've shared a lot about this topic in my previous blog posts. These routines not only bring stability but also significantly lessen anxiety for both kids and parents. If you're looking for practical tips on setting up a daily schedule that works, You should check them out! 

In short, a well-structured routine provides a sense of security and predictability that is incredibly soothing for children. It makes every day smoother and everyone happier.

8. Prioritize self-care to better manage stress.

Regularly doing activities that nourish your soul is crucial, whether it's attending a yoga class, getting lost in a good book, or catching up with a friend over coffee. For more ideas on how to incorporate self-care into your busy schedule,  check out this blog post dedicated to self-care tips for busy moms. These moments of rest and rejuvenation are vital for maintaining your emotional well-being and ensuring you have the energy and patience to face the challenges of parenting.

As parents, we often put our own needs last, but it's essential to remember to "fill our own cups." This not only helps us better care for our children, but it also sets an example for them. Showing them that taking care of oneself is crucial for showing up as the best version of ourselves in the world. So, take that time for yourself—it's not just beneficial for you but for your whole family.

9. Continuously educate yourself on effective parenting techniques. Keep up-to-date with the latest parenting strategies by exploring books, attending workshops, or tuning into podcasts dedicated to parenting. For instance, understanding emotional intelligence in children can greatly improve your responses to their tantrums and other challenging behaviors. One book I highly recommend is How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk. This book is amazing and, in my opinion, a must-have for every parent.

Book on parenting

This book has equipped me with effective tools for empathetic communication with my son and includes excellent strategies for managing tantrums. My husband and I read it together, and by working through the exercises provided, we've both gained insights into how our words and actions influence our child. This has been transformative, helping us evolve not only as parents but also as communicators. I encourage you to give it a try!

10. Build a network of support with other parents. Finally,  don’t underestimate the power of community. Joining a parenting group or online forum can be so supportive. Sharing experiences and tips, like managing bedtime routines, can offer new perspectives and lessen the stress. I’m here for you too, always ready to share what’s worked for me and my family. And don't forget to submit to my weekly newsletter for fresh blog posts and affirmations to get you through the week.

Mastering your triggers is an ongoing journey, one that enriches both your life and your child's. It's about strengthening the bond you share and laying down a solid foundation built on mutual respect and understanding. Every day brings with it fresh challenges and, importantly, new opportunities to practice patience and empathy.

Navigating the complexities of parenting isn't easy, and it's normal to face hurdles along the way. Remember, you're not alone in this. Every parent goes through struggles, and your effort to work through them is a testament to your dedication and love for your child. So keep pushing forward, maintain your composure, and embrace the beautiful, sometimes bumpy ride of parenting.

Stay calm, and parent on with confidence knowing each step forward is progress!


About Me

Hello, I'm Raissa Davis, a proud mom of two wonderful little boys. I started the "Give Yourself Grace Mama" community with the aim of bringing together mothers who, like me, are navigating the highs and lows of motherhood and parenting.

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