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Unlocking Dutch School Secrets: for International Moms

Updated: Oct 12, 2023

Hey there, Mama!

Welcome to the land of windmills, tulips, and bicycles – the Netherlands!

If you're an international mother and you're facing the big decision of where to send your soon-to-be-four-year-old to pre-school, you've come to the right place.

Dutch vs International school

You're in for a unique educational journey filled with surprises and quirks. In this fun and informative guide, I'll navigate you through the Dutch education system, shedding light on some of its peculiarities, while offering practical insights to help you and your little one.

From preschool peculiarities to lunchtime mysteries and language challenges, I've got you covered.

So, prepare to pedal through this educational adventure, and discover what it's like to raise a little Dutch scholar!

#1: Dutch Preschool: Where Little Geniuses Learn to Socialize!

I you are considering enrolling your little one in a Dutch preschool, and you're hoping they'll come home reciting the entire alphabet and counting to a hundred, think again, because Dutch schools have a different plan! Instead of creating mini Einsteins, between the ages of 4 and 6, they're all about developing social skills like communication, teamwork, and self-expression. Sure, there are some educational games thrown in, but don't expect your child to bring home the periodic table just yet. Remember, it's all about making friends and sharing toys in those early years!

#2: Finding the Right Dutch School for Your Unique Kiddo

If your child is as unique as a tulip in a field of daisies – whether they're shy, have ADHD, or are on the autism spectrum – the regular Dutch school system might not be the perfect fit. Dutch schools work great for kids who hit all the typical milestones for a four-year-old. But if your child is neuroatypical, finding the right school can be as challenging as pronouncing "scheveningen" (it's a beach in the Netherlands, by the way, my favorite!).

Check out my other blog for some helpful tips on getting special needs kids into Dutch schools!

#3: Dutch Autonomy: 28 Kids, 1 Teacher, and a Dash of Decision-Making

Dutch classrooms can get crowded, like trying to squeeze into a pair of clogs two sizes too small. They love teaching kids autonomy, which means your child might face choices during the day. If your little one is shy or struggles with decisions, this can be quite a challenge. To prepare them, encourage autonomy at home before they start school at age 4. You'll have a mini Dutch decision-maker in no time!

#4: Stay or Go? The Netherlands and Your Length of Stay

Planning to stick around the Netherlands for a while? Dutch schools can be your golden ticket to integration. Speaking Dutch opens doors for your child to communicate with more people, join sports teams, and take part in after-school activities. But if you're just passing through, consider an international school, especially if you already speak English. It's like choosing between staying for tulip season or a brief layover!

#5: The "Social integration" Dilemma

Moving to a new country is like jumping into a canal of uncertainty. If your child speaks English, consider the impact of language on their social integration. At an international school, they'll find it easier to make friends and communicate. On the flip side, you can encourage your child to learn Dutch by playing with local kids on the playground. Big cities often have kids from all over the world, so they won't be the only tulip in the bouquet!

#6: Weighing the Costs

When it comes to school costs in the Netherlands, it's like comparing bike prices at a second-hand bike store. Dutch schools are government-funded. Whereas International schools, on the other hand, come with a heftier price tag, up to €23,000 per year. That's like college tuition! So, decide if you're going Dutch or international, but be prepared to pay the price accordingly!

#7: Curious About Curriculums? Dutch vs. International

Dutch schools offer a variety of educational philosophies and religious perspectives within the Dutch curriculum. In secondary schools, there are different levels to choose from, starting at age 12.

If you opt for international schooling, consider whether your child would benefit from an IB, British, or American curriculum.

#8: Dutch School Rules vs. International School Freedom

Dutch schools have strict attendance rules starting at age five, so missing school is like trying to catch a bike without wheels. International schools are more lenient, offering flexibility for time off and longer breaks. But remember, longer school days might be on the menu. So, plan your vacations accordingly, and don't forget to pack your raincoat – it's the Netherlands, after all!

#9: Dutch Schools and the Lunchtime Microwave Mystery

If you come from a background or culture where warm meals are the lunchtime norm, you're in for a cold surprise, Mama! Dutch schools won't heat up your child's meal, so it's time to embrace the world of cold sandwiches, fruits, and yogurt. Forget about that hot homemade meal – it's all about packing a Dutch-style lunchbox!

#10: Who's Watching Your Kiddo During Lunchtime?

Guess what? Teachers won't be supervising your little ones during lunch at Dutch schools. You'll need to arrange for after-school care (BSO) to step in and watch your munchkins during lunch. It won't break the bank, costing around 45 euros a month, but you'll need to plan ahead. Even if you're a stay-at-home parent, your child can't join their friends during lunch unless you've paid for this service. So, don't forget to budget for this on top of after school care fees!

So, there you have it—ten things every international mother should know when considering a Dutch or International school. It's quite a journey, but with the right information, you'll be mentally prepared for what lies ahead. And don't forget to check out my other blogs for more insights. You've got this, Mama!

Did I miss something on this list? Join me in my Mom Life in the Netherlands Forum, where you are invited to share the joys, quirks, and challenges of raising kids in this enchanting land. 🧡

Your experiences and insights are like hidden gems waiting to be discovered by fellow moms, and we'd love to hear all about them.

So, grab a stroopwafel, pull up a chair, and let's chat about the Dutch school system and so much more!


About Me

Hello, I'm Raissa Davis, a proud mom of two wonderful little boys. I started the "Give Yourself Grace Mama" community with the aim of bringing together mothers who, like me, are navigating the highs and lows of motherhood and parenting.

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