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The 7 types of Parenting styles: Which one Are You?

Updated: Oct 12, 2023

Parenting: It's like embarking on an epic adventure filled with cuddles, chaos, and, well, a tad bit of confusion! Just as every child is unique, so too are the ways parents choose to raise them.

Parenting styles are a hot topic in child development psychology, and understanding them can help you become a more effective and conscious parent.

Welcome to the thrilling world of parenting, where every day brings new surprises, and your emotions oscillate between "I've got this" and "What on Earth am I doing?"

So, let's dive into the fascinating world of parenting styles and discover which one resonates with you.

1.The Helicopter Parent

Picture this: a parent hovers over their child's every move, ready to swoop in at the first sign of trouble. These parents are known as "helicopter parents," and they are the ultimate protectors. While their intentions are good, they can sometimes smother their children. Helicopter parents tend to be overinvolved in their child's life, from school projects to extracurricular activities. Remember, a little space can foster independence and resilience.

2.The Free-Range Parent

On the opposite end of the spectrum, we have the free-range parents. These folks believe in giving their children the freedom to explore and make decisions independently. Free-range parenting encourages self-sufficiency and resilience but can sometimes leave parents feeling anxious about safety. Finding the right balance between freedom and guidance is key.

3.The Authoritative Parent

Authoritative parents are often considered the gold standard of parenting styles. They balance warmth and nurturing with clear boundaries and expectations. These parents encourage open communication and decision-making while maintaining a structured and consistent environment. Children raised by authoritative parents tend to be self-reliant and confident.

4.The Permissive Parent

Imagine a parent who is more of a friend than an authority figure. That's the permissive parent. They are lenient and often prioritize their child's happiness over discipline. While permissive parenting can create a harmonious atmosphere, it may lead to issues with boundaries and discipline. Remember, children need structure and guidance as much as they need freedom.

5.The Authoritarian Parent

Authoritarian parents are known for their strict rules and high expectations. They believe in obedience and discipline above all else. While this style can produce well-behaved children, it may also stifle creativity and independence. Finding a balance between discipline and flexibility is essential.

6.The Attachment Parent

Attachment parenting is all about creating a deep emotional connection between parent and child. These parents believe in responding to their child's needs promptly and providing a nurturing, loving environment. While attachment parenting fosters strong bonds, it can sometimes lead to over-dependence. Encouraging autonomy as your child grows is essential.

7.The Uninvolved Parent

Uninvolved parents may be physically present but emotionally distant. They provide the basics like food and shelter but lack emotional engagement. This parenting style can have long-term negative effects on a child's development, as they may feel neglected and unsupported.

There you have it! The 7 flavors of Parenting styles!

Ah, parenting – the art of turning your living room into a war zone of Legos, mismatched socks, and mystery stains on the couch. We all embark on this wild adventure with our own unique blend of parenting styles, kind of like trying to cook a gourmet meal with a mishmash of random ingredients you found in your fridge.

See, as parents, we all have our special recipe for raising kids. We take bits and pieces from our own upbringing, sprinkle in some of our values, and toss in a pinch of whatever circumstances life throws at us.

And voilà, we've got our very own parenting style!

But here's the kicker: there's no one-size-fits-all approach to parenting. It's more like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole – it just won't work. Your friend might be all about the organic, gluten-free, sugar-free, everything-free snacks, while you're over there handing out juice boxes and cookies like they're going out of style. And that's okay!

The secret sauce to this parenting madness is self-awareness.

Take a moment to reflect on your parenting style.

Try my Parenting Style Quiz! To find out.

Are you a helicopter parent, hovering around your child like a drone? Or are you more of a free-range parent, letting your kid explore the world like a little explorer? Maybe you're somewhere in between, like a "hover-range" parent – always nearby but not too close. Whatever your style, own it!

Now, it's important to remember that our parenting concoctions can have some interesting effects on our littles. So, be ready to adjust your recipe when necessary. If your kid's acting like a mini dictator, maybe it's time to cut back on the chocolate rations. Or if they're turning into a couch potato, it might be time to toss them a ball or get out there and ride a bike.

But above all, in this parenting culinary adventure, always provide your child with heaps of love, mountains of support, and a safe space to grow and thrive. After all, in the crazy world of parenting, there's no shortage of love and learning for both you and your child.

So, cheers to all the parents out there, creating their unique parenting recipes and navigating the delicious chaos of family life.

Just remember, to give yourself grace along the way, you are doing your best as long as your parenting concoction is made with love!

We're all on this wild ride of parenthood, and I'd love to hear which parenting style truly vibes with you. Join my delightful Parenting Forum where the laughter's contagious and the wisdom is boundless. 🗨️ Your unique insights and experiences are like a treasure trove, and we're eager to unravel the gems with you. So, grab a virtual seat, and let's dish about what makes parenting an incredible adventure.

Your voice is a delightful addition to our joyful community! 🤗👨‍👩‍👧‍👦


About Me

Hello, I'm Raissa Davis, a proud mom of two wonderful little boys. I started the "Give Yourself Grace Mama" community with the aim of bringing together mothers who, like me, are navigating the highs and lows of motherhood and parenting.

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