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To Be or Not to Be a Parent: Top 10 Questions to help you decide!

Hey hun! Have you found yourself contemplating the idea of starting a family lately? I imagine you've been giving it quite some thought, and it's totally normal to have a mix of feelings.

Considering your unique experiences and background, you might be feeling drawn towards the idea or maybe leaning in the opposite direction. It's such a big decision, filled with uncertainties and unknowns. But guess what? The one thing you have control over right now is yourself and your own readiness.

Let's be real, there's no perfect roadmap for this, and nobody is ever 100% prepared for the journey into parenthood. But what you can do is take steps to prepare yourself as much as possible and focus on your own growth before taking the leap.

I've had friends ask me how I made the call to have kids, and I totally get that it's a personal journey. I put together a list of questions that really helped me figure things out before welcoming my little ones. Maybe they'll resonate with you too as you navigate this exciting and sometimes overwhelming path. I'm here to share and support however you need! 💖

Let's chat about it!

1. Do you have a good partner and/or a village to help? Selecting a life partner is like choosing your co-captain for the epic adventure of parenthood. Assess your partner's potential as a parent by examining your relationship dynamics. Your gut feeling is a trustworthy guide—listen to it.

If you are partner-free, having a village is your secret weapon. Friends, family, and community resources create a supportive safety net. They become your go-to team for emotional support, practical advice, or even a much-needed nap. Parenthood is a team sport; make sure your roster is strong.

2. Did I communicate expectations to my partner? Communication is the unsung hero of a strong partnership. The "parenting talk" is like drafting a contract for a business venture, but with diapers. Discuss expectations openly—parenting roles, responsibilities, and the unexpected twists. It's an ongoing dialogue, evolving with each phase. Although my husband and I talked about this journey at great length, we still missed some plot twists. Effective communication, especially when tired, hungry, or touched out, is a superpower. Master it, and you're armed for the unpredictable journey of parenthood.

3. Did I deal with my trauma? Unpacking past traumas is like decluttering your emotional attic before a major renovation. Seek therapy or counseling to address unresolved issues. Break the chains of generational trauma; be the architect of emotional freedom. Your parenting style is influenced by the shadows of your past—confront them. Start early on the path to emotional preparedness for the rollercoaster of motherhood.

4. What are my triggers? Identifying triggers is like creating a self-defense strategy against emotional landmines. Kids unintentionally dance on your triggers. They act as mirrors reflecting your vulnerabilities. Seeking therapy is like taking a self-defense class—identify and manage triggers before they explode. Parenting with self-awareness is the key to a calmer household.

5. How is my patience? Patience in motherhood is a daily marathon, not a sprint. Cultivate strategies for calmness—deep breathing, counting to ten, having some Me-Time and practicing mindfulness. Your daily mantra becomes a mix of repeating instructions and deep breaths. Embrace imperfection, acknowledging that staying calm amidst chaos is a lifelong skill. Being ahead in the calmness game is your secret weapon.

6. Am I healthy? Motherhood is a physical and mental triathlon. Prepare your body for the journey—morning sickness, weight gain, and swollen feet are part of the course. Start a health routine, nourish your body and mind, not just for pregnancy but for overall well-being. Prioritize health with a balanced diet, regular exercise, and check-ups. It's your proactive approach to a smooth pregnancy and postpartum period.

7. Can I handle criticism? Motherhood often comes with a barrage of opinions and criticism. Building resilience is essential. Trust your instincts and rely on trusted sources. Constructive feedback aligning with your values is welcome, but unsolicited advice can be overwhelming. Develop the art of filtering opinions, keeping confidence in your choices.

8. Where are you financially and in your career? Finances and career align with family planning. Parenthood can be costly, requiring budgeting and savings. Maternity leave may set back your career temporarily. Craft a pre- and post-maternity leave career plan, acknowledging potential changes. Be financially prepared for the parenthood chapter, treating it as a strategic financial investment.

9. How is your environment? Evaluating your home environment is like preparing the stage for a grand performance, with your baby as the star. Bid farewell to the delicate all-white furnishings and suede couches; parenthood introduces a new level of chaos. Brace yourself, both mentally and physically, for the adorable havoc your little one will unleash. Baby-proofing becomes your backstage pass to safety—secure sharp objects, cover outlets, and eliminate potential choking hazards. Creating a nurturing and organized atmosphere is the script for a harmonious family life, allowing both you and your baby to thrive. Additionally, consider the spatial dimension; is your home spacious enough for the brood you envision? It's akin to ensuring your stage has ample room for the cast to grow and play.

10. Do I need to like kids to have kids? This question may sound peculiar, but it's a common one on the parenting journey. The straightforward answer is no, you don't need to be a kid enthusiast. However, being open-minded and adaptable is the secret sauce. Parenting isn't about loving every child on the block—it's about cultivating a unique bond with your own. Embrace the weird, the messy, and the extraordinary moments that come with your child. The beautiful transformation happens within the cocoon of your unique parent-child connection. Don't lose sleep over not being the neighborhood's resident babysitter. Instead, focus on preparing yourself to navigate the rollercoaster of parenthood, even if your heart doesn't naturally skip a beat for other people's kids. Your journey is yours, and the love you'll discover with your own child will be unparalleled.


As you stand at the threshold of this extraordinary journey called parenthood, remember that you are not alone. Each question you ponder, each decision you make, is a step toward a future filled with love, growth, and immeasurable joy. Embrace the uncertainties with courage, and relish the beautifully chaotic moments that come your way.

Whether you're navigating this path with a partner, a village, standing strong on your own, or even if you decide that this journey is not for you, know that your unique choice is valid and powerful. Embrace the challenges, celebrate the victories, and, most importantly, cherish the boundless love that awaits.

Parenthood is a masterpiece crafted one beautiful, messy brushstroke at a time, and you, dear mama, are the artist of this remarkable adventure. May your heart be filled with the resilience to weather any storm, the patience to savor every moment, and the unwavering belief in the incredible parent or individual you are destined to become. Here's to the incredible journey ahead—may it be as extraordinary as the love that sparked it.

Keep in mind that there's no universal solution to these questions; every mom's path is distinct. Devoting time to introspection and readiness for parenthood can empower you with confidence and resilience. And if, in the end, you determine that parenthood isn't your chosen route, that's perfectly okay! Live life on your terms, embracing the choices that bring you joy. You deserve a journey that aligns with your happiness and fulfillment. 💪👩‍👧‍👦💖


About Me

Hello, I'm Raissa Davis, a proud mom of two wonderful little boys. I started the "Give Yourself Grace Mama" community with the aim of bringing together mothers who, like me, are navigating the highs and lows of motherhood and parenting.

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